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第三百二十一章 胜利背后的那些事(1/3)

“lol hat? nati got outyed, simle as that. thro or not, they made an aul deision, and as didnt hesitate like many other teams and allind to an ae. i didnt even say nati is ause they yed retty ell, but as just straight u beat them. no oense, but you just sound salty by saying no na/eu team is a to tier team beause nati lost. as isnt stuid, they kne their limitations and ent hard. it asnt overagression that game, it as alted engages most o hih orked*** out, some o hih didnt but that as mostly individual mistakes that you an aord to make hen youre as ar in the lead as as as.”

哈哈,什么?nati被秀了。就这么简单。他们做了一个错误的决定,然后as没有像其它欧美战队犹豫不觉,而是直接上,团灭对手。我没有说nati很烂因为他们打得也不错,但是as干净利落得干掉了对手。没有冒犯你的意思,对于nati的失利,你听起来很生气因为你说没有一个欧美战队是顶尖战队。as知道他们的局限性/弱点, 而且努力解决。那些不是“过于激进”而是精确计算过的开团,有些成功了,但是也有失败。但是那大多是个人的操作失误。但是这些错误是可以承受的。毕竟经济领先已经很多了。

the style o as is muh dierene than na/eu teams.even in hina,they’re very seial.


as is the best.skt an’t sto them.
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